Roskill town centre upgrade

21 May 2020

As Covid-19 restrictions ease and we begin reconnecting with friends, whanau and our communities, there has never been a more important time to shop locally and support neighbourhood retailers.

In Mt Roskill, visiting the town centre has become a vibrant cultural experience, rich in local connection, thanks to the recent efforts of the Puketāpapa Local Board.

The Board, Iwi and landscape architects Boffa Miskell, collaborated closely to translate the stories of Mt Roskill’s landscape, flora and fauna into a distinct project design.

These cultural values can be seen in patterns derived from whāriki (woven mats) that extend across Dominion Road to link the village space, creating a central heart for the town centre—the Rauputiputi weave design representing flowering, blossoming, growth. 

Yellow pops of colour are scattered across the footpath, and a bright mural in the laneway features native birds important to the area, such as pīwakawaka, tūi and kereru. 

Handcrafted kōhatu seats made from locally sourced volcanic stone—from Te Tātua o Riu-ki-uta (Three Kings)—complete the revitalised retail design. Artist Tessa Harris, hand carved the statement seating pieces, which were installed and unveiled with a special dawn blessing last December.

Auckland Transport (AT) have delivered road and footpath upgrades as part of the wider project design. Works to improve road user and pedestrian safety to the area were completed in March 2020, predominantly on Dominion Road, between Keystone Ave and Jasper Ave in the north and Mt Albert Road/Dominion Road intersection in the south. Auckland Transport’s Safer Communities Programme is also scheduled to get underway in Roskill this year, delivering road safety improvements to local schools. You can read the latest about the programme here

Now completed, Mt Roskill town centre upgrade will be one of many revitalised amenities within the Roskill Development. If you have any questions or feedback you can contact the Puketapapa Local Board online or via Facebook.

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