New, Warm, Dry Homes for Roskill South

09 Jul 2018
Roskill South Dry Homes

If you live around Freeland Avenue, Playfair Road or Sanft Avenue you will have already noticed some big changes lately. We’ve removed some of the 1950s and 60s era Housing New Zealand houses in these streets. These homes were past their best and were difficult to keep warm and comfortable for the families living in them. They are being replaced with new, warm, dry state housing designed for how people are living today.

The new Freeland Avenue, Playfair Road and Sanft Avenue houses make up the first stage of a development project that will eventually see up to 800 new homes built on Housing New Zealand land in Roskill South. Around a third of the total number of new homes will be state housing, a third affordable housing and a third market housing.

We expect the development to take around six years to complete.

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