Electrical services upgrades at 123-145 Richardson Road

21 Feb 2023
J001643 Owairaka RichardsonRd Upgrade Blog Header 1600x800 2IT

Development in Ōwairaka is progressing well. We’re replacing approximately 200 old state houses with around 1,000 new state, affordable and market homes, and we’re renewing important infrastructure in your neighbourhood. 

At 123-145 Richardson Road, old, outdated electrical services (power) are currently being replaced with new, modern infrastructure that will service your neighbourhood into the future. 

Parking near Ōwairaka Kindergarten and District School will be temporarily affected

For two months from Tuesday 1 February 2023, parking will be temporarily removed on both sides of Richardson Road in the area shown on this map

Recommended alternative school drop off and pick up areas include: 

  • Murray Halberg Park after 32 Range View Road. Pedestrian access to the kindy and school is halfway into the carpark towards the Marist Rugby League Clubroom. It’s a short walk from the carpark to the rear school gate. 
  • Richardson Road, outside of the area where the work is being carried out (123-145 Richardson Road).
  • Ōwairaka Avenue

Check out the frequently asked questions below. If you need more information, please pop into the Ōwairaka Info Cube at 80 Hendon Ave on Thursday or Saturday, 10am to 4pm, or the Roskill Development Information Centre at 142 May Road between Wednesday to Saturday, 10am to 4pm. 

Or, get in touch with Piritahi on 0508 PIRITAHI or owairaka@piritahi.nz.

We apologise for any inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we carry out important work to ensure Ōwairaka remains a great place to live, now and in the future. 


Who is doing the work?
Piritahi, a Kāinga Ora Alliance partner, is doing the work. Piritahi is working in Ōwairaka to deliver infrastructure upgrades so more warm, dry homes can be built. 

What are the hours of construction?
Construction will be happening during the hours of 7:30am-6pm, Monday to Friday. Construction will happen between 7:00am-5pm on Saturdays only when required for critical work.  

What about on-street parking?
Parking between 123-145 Richardson Road will be temporarily removed while the work is happening.

How will traffic be affected?
Large vehicles and machinery will frequently enter and exit this site. An approved traffic management plan is in place to guide pedestrians and vehicles, with as little disruption to roads as possible.

Will I be able to drive to my home?
If you live in the area, vehicle access to your property may be limited from time to time. We will let you know the exact details and timings closer to work starting. We will let you know an alternative temporary parking location you can use.

Will it be noisy?
Large vehicles and machinery will often be operating on this site, causing general construction noise. Piritahi is committed to keeping noise to a minimum, and a management plan will be in place for the whole time work is happening.

Will there be any other effects from the work?
You may notice some construction dust at times. Fabric hoardings will be installed on fences around the site, and we will dampen down materials to reduce dust.

Will my power, water or phone lines be affected?
In the unlikely event that our work results in loss of any services, we will endeavour to notify you and work as quickly as we can with the service provider to fix the fault.

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