Local artist and schools team up to create stunning mural

05 Apr 2023
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Local artist, Lou Flower, recently collaborated with Ōwairaka District School on some beautiful illustrations for the community.

The designs were placed on hoardings among the new development in Ōwairaka, showcasing the vision that the children hold for the future of the neighbourhood.

The aim of the project was to enhance the students’ sense of belonging and identity in the midst of the redevelopment in the area. Through taking part, the children were able to feel connected to the changes surrounding their homes and schools.

During the workshops, carried out by Lou Flower, the children were given the opportunity to envision what the neighbourhood might look like in the future, including the homes, parks, modes of transport, and schools. 

Lou says, “it ended up being quite a creative child-led project and the kids were excited about the opportunity to explore their ideas". She says the kids had very strong, clear visions of how they wanted the project to look and were able to work together to achieve the finished piece. 

Deb Cramer, Associate Principal at Ōwairaka District School, says that Lou is “very good at letting children’s ideas flow.” While the overarching concepts came from Lou, the creativity came straight from the kids. 

Together, they created a beautiful mural named ‘Dream Homes hoarding’.

“It was just a really joyful experience,” says Lou. “[The children] really are creative and they really do have good ideas for what a magical community would look like and how to make that happen.”

“The kids adored it,” says Deb. “They loved the fact that there was this creative thing that they could be a part of.” She says that the students knew that the project was going to be displayed in the community and so they had a strong sense of pride, purpose, and ownership over something that the community could enjoy.

When it was completed, the students and teachers went to view the mural. “The kids were so full of joy and excitement that they had done something that they could take pride in,” says Deb.

The hoarding was in place on Richardson Road next to the old Ōwairaka Community Hub for a few months, and it has now been gifted back to Ōwairaka District School where they can display it with pride. 

Kāinga Ora shouted the students and teachers morning tea to thank them for the awesome work they’d done.

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