Going to work together, fun with stories online

16 Apr 2020
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Hi everyone, here’s something fun that I’ve been doing with my five year old Uriah as part of his reading school work. His teacher got us onto it and it’s been one of our favourite websites so far.

Storyline Online is an award-winning children’s literacy website that streams videos featuring actors reading children’s books. Readers include Viola Davis, Chris Pine, Lily Tomlin, Kevin Costner, Annette Bening, James Earl Jones, Betty White and dozens more.

In this pic we’re listening to a story read by Oprah Winfrey called ‘The Hula Hoopin Queen’. If you have kids of a similar age at home then be sure to check out Uriah’s book recommendation, ‘Guji Guji’ read by Robert Guillaume (Benson).


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